Friday, August 27, 2010

AMC AMX car revival

Having a photographer in the family means EVERYTHING gets recorded.  In this case the monumental event of washing my Dad's classic muscle car, an AMC AMX.  There is a long story behind this car, but suffice it to say that it doesn't get out much.

The first step to restoration is cleaning the thing, so that's what we did.  Well, they cleaned and I recorded the event for future generations.  The AMX is such a beloved heirloom that I just to post a few pictures up, enjoy!

And here is a completely random picture of Daniel and Shelby.  She wanted to help clean too, but dog slobber dulls the paint.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Marrying in the rain

On Saturday I had the opportunity to photography an extremely fun wedding in Centralia. Yes that was the day it was raining by the way.  I have photographed a couple "rained on" weddings before and it had always cleared up before the ceremony; I was hoping my luck would hold today

I won't leave you in suspense, my luck held and it didn't rain during the ceremony.  It did rain the entire time we were taking portraits though;  it was time to bring out the darling black umbrella pictures.

 Thankfully I had worn the perfect footwear for the event, and as an added bonus I matched the bridal party!

All in all we were all laughing the entire time, got great pictures, the ceremony was funny and touching at the same time, and the cake was quite possibly the coolest one I'd ever seen.  So enjoy this little preview of, yes I will officially declare it, my most fun wedding so far.

Friday, August 6, 2010

New Graphics

Well I finally had some spare time to design a few new graphics for the website.  I do all of the web design myself so sometimes I find it very difficult to find time to update it.  I'm getting there slowly; bits and pieces at a time.

I also refuse to use a full flash website, they get awful rankings unless you pay an arm and a leg to get it up at the top, so I cheat.  I put a flash slide show inside each category so you still get the special effects ;)  So make sure you check back every couple weeks or so, odds are something has changed.

Maybe I should hold a contest to see who can spot the most differences first...

Anyways, here are a couple of the new graphics I've been working on; contact picture, and a few web banners.