Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lake Sylvia and Griffith-Priday State Parks

The last two weeks have been extremely busy for me, but I managed to snap a few shots from these two wonderful parks!  Lake Sylvia in Montesano and Griffith Priday on the coast a little ways up from Ocean Shores.  At the lake we had a surprise car show as all the classic cars from the show in Montesano drove through the park.  Since I'm a big car fan myself this was the cherry on top of that day!

I found this sign quite humorous....
This was our shelter for the day

 I thought is was beautiful to see leaves arranged like flower petals!
And then we move on to Griffith Priday Park....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Rainbow Falls State Park

First off, this park had the cleanest restrooms of any public park I've ever seen so I was thoroughly impressed by that.  The park itself was beautiful with the river and trails and I even encountered a few people panning for gold!  Quite the peaceful day and wonderfully sunny to boot, I enjoyed it so here are a few highlights I want to share with you.  Oh and the scary just-barely-wide-enough-to-fit-one-car bridge to get to the park was an adventure all by itself.  I don't think I've ever been so nervous on a bridge before!